About us

                                                              About Us
Bible facts Is a Known Brand in the Internet, Developed for the Sole Aim of Rendering Quality Services to her Users and Visitors. 

We stands out from all websites, blogs, forums and portals not only our beauty and responsive design and easy navigation but also for our loaded, rich, priceless and unique contents. 

Bible Facts provides updates on those facts that are in the bible that should be known, preach the word of God and also provide an inspirational Bible quotes

          Our aim is to collect information from all the available sources, systematize it and explain it in a really understandable and neutral manner. As a result, we provide high quality, reliable and affordable facts and quotes related to the Bible

Our Mission is to become the Best Online Website/Blog delivering best content related to the Bible to all our Visitors and Users.
Bible Facts covers all Facet of Bible 


Bible Facts was created by Ajayi Olaekan who is popularly known as Moses.

Ajayi Olalekan Moses is an inspiring and talented young man from Oyo State In Nigeria, who has put in his efforts, time, energy and resources in running the functionality of the Blog/Website. 
Moses has received so many recognition, accolades and good messages from his fans and well wishers. Above all He is a humble and Trustworthy Nigerian Graduate, Loves reading Bible a lot and also he is a Creative Writer. 
A guy you can meet and change your life

Contact Him via:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lekzy200 
Phone/Whatsapp: 2347082266461. 
Twitter: @ajayiolalekanm1
Instagram: @lekzy_lovely
