Jesus Christ—Sent by God?

Episode 1 => Sent by God?
     Nearly everyone toady has heard of Jesus Christ. His influence on history has been greater than that of any other human. Indeed, the very calendar used in the most part of the world is based on the year he is thought to have been born! As the world book Encyclopedia says. “Dates before that year are listed as B.C., or before Christ. Dates after that years are listed as A.D., or Anno Domini (in the year of our lord).”
      So Jesus was not an imaginary person. He really lived as a man on earth. “in ancient time even the opponents of Christ never doubt the [actual existence] of Jesus,” notes the Encyclopedia Britannica. So just who was Jesus? Was he really sent by God? Why is he so well known?

Please, watch out for “Episode 2” titled “Why He Came to the Earth”
