Episode 3=> Source of World
The lie the devil told Eve just worked
as he planned. She believed it and disobeyed God. And she was able to get her
husband to break God’s law also. (Genesis 3:6) The Devil’s claim was that
humans can get along without God. He argued that people can rule themselves
successfully, without God’s help. The Devil also claimed that he could turn
away from God’s help. The Devil also claimed that he could turn away from God
all those who would be the offspring of Adam and Eve.
Of course, God could have destroyed
Satan right away. But that would not have answered the question that Satan had
raised, question that could stay in the minds of the angels who were watching.
So God allowed time for Satan to try to prove his claims. With what results?
The passage of time has proved that
humans cannot rule themselves successfully without God’s help. Their attempts
have failed completely. The people have suffered terribly under the governments
of men, which, as the scriptures shows, have been controlled from behind the
scenes by Devil. Also, God’s allowing time has clearly shown that Satan has not
been able to turn all persons away from worshiping God. There have always been
some who have remained faithful to God’s rulership. You can read in the bible,
for example, that Satan tried, without success, to stop Job from serving
God.—Job 1:6-12.
Thus the claims of Devil have been
proved false. He most certainly deserves destruction for having started a
wicked rebellion against God. Happily, we have reached time for God to bring
Satan’s rule to an End. Describing the first step in doing this, the bible
tells of an important battle in heaven, which, of course, was not seen or heard
by people on earth. Read carefully the following bible account:
“War broke out in heaven: Michael [who
is resurrected Jesus Christ] and his angels battled with the dragon, and the
dragon and its angels battled but it did not prevail, neither was a place found
for them any longer in Heaven. So down the great dragon was hurled, the
original serpent, the one called the Devil and Satan, who is misleading the
entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth and his angel were
hurled down with him. ‘On this account be glad, you heaven and you who reside
in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to
you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.’”—Revelation
12:7-9, 12.
Since Satan knows his “short period
of time” is about up, he is trying harder than ever before to keep persons from
serving God. He wants to take as many persons as he can down into destruction
with him. With Good reason the Bible describes him as a roaring lion that is
looking for someone to eat. (1 Peter 5:8, 9) if we do not want to be caught by
Him we need to learn how he attacks and also the ways in which he mislead
people.—2 Corinthians 2:11.
Pls, watch out for the “Final
Episode” titled “How Satan Mislead People”