‘Yet how could the bible be from God when it was written by men?’ you may ask. True, about 40 men shared in writing the bible. The men did the actual writing of bible with the exception of the Ten Commandments, which  were written personally by God on stone tablet by the direct action of his holy spirit. (Exodus 31:18). However, this does not make what they wrote any less the word of God. The bible explains: “men spoke from God as they were born along by the holy spirit,”(2 peter 1:21). Yes, just as God used his powerful holy spirit to create the heavens, The earth and all living things, he also used it to direct the writing of the Bible.
       This means the bible has only one author, Jehovah God. He used men to write the information down, much as a businessman uses a secretary writes the letter. The secretary writes the letter, but the letter contains the ideas and thought of a businessman. So it is the businessman letter not the secretary’s,  even as the Bible is God’s book not the book of the men who were used to writes it.
          Since God created the mind, he surely didn’t find it hard to get in touch with minds of his servants to provide them the information to write. Even today a person can sit in his home and receive messages from faraway place through the means of a radio or a television set. The voices or pictures travels over a long distance by the use of physical laws created by God. It is, therefore, easy to understand that Jehovah, from his place faraway in heavens, could direct men to write down the information that he wanted the human family to know.

      The result has been a marvelous Book. Actually, the bible is made up of 66 little books. The Greek word biblia, from which the word “Bible” comes, means “little books.”  These books, or letters, were over a period of 1600 years, from 1513 B.C.E. to 98 C.E. Yet, because of having just one author, all these bible books are in harmony with one another. The same theme runs throughout the whole, namely, that Jehovah God will bring back righteous conditions by his kingdom. The first book, genesis, tells how a paradise home was lost because of rebellion against God, and the last book, Revelation, describes how the earth will be made a paradise again by God’s rule—Genesis 3:19, 23.

Pls, watch out for the final episode. “Episode 3” titled “IS THE BIBLE REALLY TRUE?”    
